Price: 20 $
Product condition: Used
Pack deal 24v
Pack deal 24v | A filament of the type "cc6 base" ¬
Price: 27 $
Product condition: New
2pcs elc 24v
2pcs elc 24v · an ansi code elc5 long life bulb · A description -> 50mm dichroic reflector · A filament -> cc6 base. Sold in Usa, new, on eBay ¬
Price: 27 $
Product condition: New
Check out these interesting ads related to "filmosound"
nimslo camera polaroid 250 polaroid 600 plus film canon super 8 camera super 8mm camera zenith camera kodak stereo ansco movie camera kodak nikon fe2 camera agfa billy record vintage jfk movie 8mm kodak camera 1937 kodak camera vintage bagVintage bell howell
Vintage bell howell. Of the brand bell howell; A movie film format 8mm ¬
Price: 9.99 $
Product condition: Used
Vintage 16mm bell
Movie projectors bell and howell | a movie film format qualified as 16mm | a model reported as bell howell filmosound 1580c | A countryregion of manufacture equivalent to 'united states' | among others: filmsound, howell ¬
Price: 85 $
Product condition: Used
Filmosound specialist
Price: 0.89 $
Product condition: New
Bell howell filmosound
Movie projectors bell and howell · a movie film format 16mm · a model equivalent to bell howell filmosound · especially: projector., film ¬
Price: 25 $
Product condition: Used
Replacement bell howell
Replacement for bell. Unit per sale:1. On sale…~
Price: 41 $
Product condition: New
Check out these interesting ads related to "filmosound"
kodak camera film pony 828 camera polaroid outfit kodak 300 vintage instamatic camera digital mavica sony polaroid sun 660 autofocus se pentax sp500 w 55mm f 2 lens pentax iq zoom 60 film camera polaroid sx 70 land camera polaroid 150 land camera polaroid 150 w case ps2 lots extras cash cameras photosTechnical precision replacemen
Replacement for bell. Unit per sale:1. From liquidations…~
Price: 41 $
Product condition: New
Bell howell 2580
16 mm movie projector bell and howell | A mechanical operation equivalent to ¨good¨ | A model ¨2580¨ | A countryregion of manufacture qualified as united states | A movie film format designated by ¨16mm¨ | especially: filmosound, ...
Price: 140 $
Product condition: Used
Vintage bell howell
Price: 225 $
Product condition: Used
Bell howell model
Bell howell model. Of the brand bellhowell in the same way as an amplifier type designated by combo as well as a model established as ¨385 filmosound projector¨ in addition to an amplifier technology ¨modeling¨ ¬
Price: 500 $
Product condition: Used
Bell howell 2580
Price: 125 $
Product condition: Used
Bell howell 1535
This projector designed…~
Price: 100 $
Product condition: Used
Bell howell 1592
Experience magic vintage. Its model number. Used. With brand name…~
Price: 245 $
Product condition: Used
Bell howell 2592
Bell howell 2592. Shipped usps ground. Consignment…~
Price: 149 $
Product condition: Used
Vtg bell howell
For consideration vtg. New open box. Consignment. Thank interest …~
Price: 30 $
Product condition: Used