1700 rare old
Strand blue | an origin bohemian | a material : glass | a style equivalent to faceted | Among others: bohemian, antique | Used. Usa ¬
Price: 379 $
Product condition: Used
1700 rare old
Strand blue | an origin bohemian | a material : glass | a style equivalent to faceted | Among others: bohemian, antique | Used. Usa ¬
Price: 379 $
Product condition: Used
Beads facetted northwesr
Single beads cobalt multi - An origin "african" - a style qualified as "faceted" - A material represented by glass - It is a handmade - in particular: russian, trade ¬
Price: 18 $
Product condition: Used
Fine vintage czech
Are excellent beading. Jewerlry making. Some scratches. Jewelry d…~
Price: 43 $
Product condition: New
Beads facetted alaskan
Single beads cobalt multi. a material "glass". A style designated by "faceted". an origin established as "african". this object are a handmade. In particular: russian, trade ¬
Price: 18 $
Product condition: Used
Thebeadchest old faceted
Exceptional value: you. Each bead measures. Old. Brought ghana, g…~
Price: 4.99 $
Product condition: New
Check out these interesting ads related to "russian blue beads"
amethyst ball old baby carriage burmese ruby raw agate jasper rock huge bead lot petrified wood slab faturan beaded rosettes tibetan coral beads copper dagger chunk lead chevy rallys restored 15x7 rallys 15x7 restored chevyAroundsquare remeshok chetki
Price: 90 $
Product condition: New
Xxl alaskan russian
Single beads yellow, A material glass, An origin designated by african, it is a handmade, in particular: african, trade. Beadmanttt offers for sale in Usa ¬
Price: 22 $
Product condition: Used
Fine vintage russian
Fine vintage russian | A material : ´glass´ | a color mentioned as ´blue´ ¬
Price: 18 $
Product condition: New
Antique russian blue
Faceted blue. This strand just as an origin established as russian in addition to a material : glass. This article are a handmade. Among others: czechoslovakia, faceted ¬
Price: 160 $
Product condition: Used
Miyuki delica seed
Price: 5.99 $
Product condition: New
Check out these interesting ads related to "russian blue beads"
tray metal shape unique asian paint beads pink quartz sterling rings 25 20 lot things assorted fun glass beads assorted colors rhinestones crystal gem stones bead starter set japanese biwa pearls cat pendant charmsAbcgems rare russian
Discover enchanting beauty. With stunning twotone. Second hand. B…~
Price: 25 $
Product condition: New
Large old russian
These beads large. Some beads minor. Inexpensive. Approximate num…~
Price: 58 $
Product condition: Used
Russian blue african
Russian blue trade. Beadswe limited amount. From private person. …~
Price: 22 $
Product condition: Used
Russian blues faceted
Price: 19 $
Product condition: Used
African trade beads
Beads west african. African trade beads. Pictures available. 5mm …~
Price: 85 $
Product condition: Used
Abcgems russian blackest
Formed fossilized wood. Welcome abc gems. To be picked up there. …~
Price: 15 $
Product condition: New
Vintage fine czech
Are excellent beading. Jewerlry making. From liquidations. Jewelr…~
Price: 35 $
Product condition: New
Old bohemian russian
Made bohemia drawn. Cut. For sale. Faceted polished cobalt…~
Price: 44 $
Product condition: Used
Old bohemian russian
Price: 22 $
Product condition: Used
Antique russian blue
Price: 150 $
Product condition: Used
Alaska russian blue
Translucent cornflower blue. Seen lot beads. Second hand. Would l…~
Price: 25 $
Product condition: Used
Vaseline rondell uranium
Rondell sqty beadsvaseline. Ran across gem. Used stuff. This rond…~
Price: 26 $
Product condition: Used