Midcentury modern white. Of the brand antique * This hobnail lamp * A theme romantic in addition to with the following characteristics lamp shade included and this is also a size of small * This article are an antique and also i...
Table and vase on it brown. With the following characteristics handcrafted; An unit of sale : single; A suitable for room qualified as hallway and also to a material wood as well as among others: custom, vase. ¬
Condiment dispensers in plastic. The theme food drink but also with the following characteristics reusable. A color equivalent to multicolor in addition to a countryregion of manufacture : united states , for instance: shakers, ...
End side tables hand made no, a material represented by oak, a handle material -> oak, An item weight qualified as 32 lb, a shape of the type rectangular, Among others: modern, small ¬
Table base in metal fiberglass plastic. A size of small, A style of the type midcentury modern, An item width of the type 18 in, A color : ivory, Especially: swivel, chair. Amy9214 sells in Usa ¬
Table lamp curious customs. A size of small, A design stipulated as african floral and also a power source : corded and a material defined as 'wood', Especially: floral, table ¬